Rail Logistics

Rail Logistics

Kenn Global Logistics provides seamless rail logistics services in Ahmedabad supported by cutting-edge logistics management and IT. We meet the complex needs of a rapidly changing rail transport services with our distinctive strategies for generating group synergy.

To ensure the speedy and safe delivery of your products by railway freight services in Ahmedabad, Kenn Global Logistics inspectors scrutinize your rail supply and logistics chain and check that your cargo is handled appropriately.

The rail transport services that we offer include:

  • Road And Rail Terminal Handling
  • Road Safety Management
  • ISO Tank Inspection
  • Q & Q Trade Inspection Rail And Road
  • Logistics Support
  • Rail Condition Evaluation
  • International Customs Data Exchange
  • Quality Assurance Of Rail Constituents
  • Transit Monitoring
  • Import Control Services

By supporting your rail logistics services, we help to ensure your products reach their target market(s) in best time and while at their finest quality. Call us today for a bespoke plan on railway freight services on how to improve your rail operations.